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Essay writing is not as lengthy as a dissertation. While dissertations go as long as 10,000 words, essays do not. They are more likely to tend towards the 1,500-2,500 mark.

We are not going to beat about the bush. That’s not what we are known for. We hit the iron with the right hammer every time the same is expected of us. In lieu of that, we bring to you a pocket guide on how to write the perfect essay by following 5 easy essay writing steps bundled together by our essay help providing experts.

Essay Writing Process

Step 1 – Interpret and Analyse

Everything in this world is done on purpose. So shall be your essay. Science is all about that! You must recognise and define the purpose of your essay and hence be able to write it as passionately as you would have liked at the end of the essay.

If you are given a topic of your choice, well and good. If you are not given a topic of your liking but imposed one, it could be hazardous if you do not yourself realise the purpose of you writing the essay and spending 3-4 hours on those 2000 words.

So, optimise time!

Step 2 – Determine the Answer

After identification of the issue in your question, what shall follow is an in-depth research that gives you an insight of all the critical concepts and theories that are related to it. When you do have an outline of the ideas that are going to be embedded in the sentences to follow. You will then be able to put forth your mind and spill on paper your perception or take on a particular topic you have been assigned.

Do not give a chance to your assessor ‘Ryan Reynolds’ you.

Step 3 – Draft and Support

This has something tricky and very important to deal with your essay. This is the step that, sometimes, even the professionals ignore due to a fast-approaching deadline! At TutorVersal, that is not the case. We make sure that the draft has all about a well-backed up and documented form of a thesis statement, the body and conclusion.

With respect to the experience in tackling various ‘hard-to-crack’ essays, the essay writers we possess recommend that you would require assembling all the arguments that support your subject under spotlight. You need to include all the backbones that tell a reader why your argument is right. The arguments and the counter arguments shall all be taken care of.

Plan everything and make sure you stick to it.

Step 4 – The Essay

Our essay writing help providing experts say that the introduction has to be crisp and catchy. If you can make it happen, then try to keep your point on the table in the least number of words possible so that the reader does not lose interest and as less as a word is enough for hooking him in.

Your thesis shall be an over-bridge which connects your introduction with the body of your essay. It shall have two phases. One that has its foundation in the roots of the introduction and one that gives the reader an idea of what’s to come in the following body.

Once you are through with the introduction and the “3 body paragraphs”, the conclusion comes next. To crack the best version of a conclusion in your favour, you are expected not to bring up anything new. All the examples, references, citations; The backups shall be done and dusted with in the body paragraphs and no new argument shall be initiated in the conclusion section.

Make sure you write, and you write good.

Step 5 -Proofread And Edit

This is the last stage of writing your essay. The grammatical errors, missing or incorrect punctuation marks and other flaws shall all be sealed and presented to the assessor in a manner that appeals him/her every time your essay is laid eyes upon. There shall be no holes that gush out water. Seal them, seal them all.

Hoping you liked the compilation of steps to be followed when you attempt to write your essay for assessment. They have all come straight from our panel of essay help providing experts.

For everything you need to know about all the different types of horrifying essay types out there, have a look at this page of essay writing help that shall lead your mindset for essay writing.

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