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The Oxford Dictionary defines the term ‘assignment’ as ‘a task or piece of work allocated to someone as a part of a job or a course of study’. But for students, ‘assignment’ is nothing but a synonym for a ‘nightmare’. Time management is an important factor when it comes to facing deadlines for assignments. The following are tips on a few quick ways to finish assignments while ensuring high-quality work.

Follow the Formulae: Plan+Organise

step 1

Step one is to always make a list before you begin. Sit down and think of everything you will need to include in the assignment, then proceed to make a check-list. This will help you prioritise and schedule the upcoming tasks required for the completion of your assignment and will also relieve you of stress. The best part is that it just takes a minute to make a list and even saves more time after that. So use this tactic and set timeframes and race the clock!

Starve Your Distractions, Feed Your Focus

step 2

Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Facebook can wait, but this assignment cannot. If you keep your phone and all such distractions aside for an hour or two, the apocalypse is not going to take place. A smart way to avoid this is to keep all your distractive gadgets in another room and concentrate on your work instead. You can always go back to your favourite distractions once you’ve escaped the stress of completing your assignments. So, for the time being, keep your eye on the prize!

Note to Self: Stay Motivated


Move past your flaws and get rid of judgement. Be your own critic and go a little easy on yourself. Fight anxiety and focus on problem-solving. Go back to your list and don’t settle until everything on that list is crossed out. Don’t stop at mistakes to cry over it. Keep going until the end, you can always clean up the messy bits after. Nobody writes the perfect assignment in the first go.

Golden Rule: Take Breaks!

step 4

Go for a walk, play with your dog, grab a bite, watch ONE episode of your favourite show or just sit down and do nothing for some time. Fifteen minutes off from your assignment won’t kill you, in fact, it will only help increase your concentration when you continue later. A short break and a slight deviation will serve as a stress buster and a source of refreshment and improve your functionality. After all, “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.” Now you wouldn’t want to be Jack, would you?

Meet TutorVersal, Your Ultimate Saviour

TutorVersal is a leading academic writing company established in Melbourne, Australia. Trusted by millions of students, TutorVersal. There are many such online assignment services but you can convince yourself of the best only using trial and error method. So why not give it a shot and see for yourself? All you need to do is submit your assignment, get an expert to review it and make your payment to receive your proofread document. Choose TutorVersal to flourish in academics and excel in quality assignment writing. Serving as both an efficient time saver and the provider of online help round the clock, TutorVersal will not disappoint!

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